Wishing you peace and comfort during this difficult time.
Condolences for Alger W. Edwards
Faye RiccitelliThursday, November 17th
Jane ChambersFriday, November 18th
Al will be missed. He was a friend, a fun partner and challenging opponent. A good man is gone!
Elisa DellaBarbaFriday, November 18th
I'll miss you Al.
You and Carolyn's kindness to me will never be forgotten.
You both hold a very special place in my heart.
Thank you.
Thoughts & prayers to your whole family.
Happy Fishing in Heaven!
Michael WarwickTuesday, November 22nd
Friend, had a life time memories that I keep in place in my heart. You and your family, love you all. Love big Mike. Your fishing 🎣 buddy.