Joseph A. Fluehr III Funeral Home Inc.
On-Site Crematory
Richboro: (215) 968-8585
New Britain: (215) 340-9654
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Condolences for Charles Birnstiel

John UnsworthWednesday, March 20th

Dr. Birnstiel will be greatly missed by the bridge engineering community. I am grateful for our many technical discussions and the opportunities to have learned from him. He devoted much of his life to improvements in bridge engineering practice and has left a legacy of commitment and expertise. I will remember him well. He made a difference.

Richard TomasettiFriday, March 22nd

Charles Birnsteil was my teacher, thesis advisor and mentor at NYU in 1963,1964. As he did with so many engineers, he continued to advise and mentor , often just by his actions and numerous contributions to the civil engineering profession. His legacy of striving for technical excellence and professional honesty will always be with us.

Georg and Bianca BinderTuesday, March 26th

A good heart has stopped beating, a good soul ascended to heaven. May God give him eternal rest.
Rest in peace, Charles.

Certified Life Celebrants help create a funeral service, memorial service, or tribute that reflects the personality and lifestyle of the deceased. The celebrant personalizes all services by working with the family and loved ones.
CANA An international, non-profit trade association of over 3,300 members, composed of funeral homes, cemeteries, crematories, industry suppliers, that create a community of cremation experts.
Supports the funeral service industry by funding scholarships and educational opportunities for professionals and invests in programs that lift up grieving communities.
Offers hundreds of events and programs each year to boost businesses and support leaders for incredible success by offering a wealth of diverse committees, networking and social events, and award programs.
The world’s leading association to support funeral professionals. Provides members with critical information, innovative tools, resources and the professional community they need to serve families, run sustainable businesses and become pillars in their communities.
Offers services that preserve, protect and promote independent family owned funeral homes in Pennsylvania. Provides advocacy, continuing education, information, legal expertise, products, programs and services to help members enhance the quality of service to families.